The project

Memória Rocinha is a project developed jointly by the Institute Moreira Salles (IMS) and the Museu Sankofa Memória e História da Rocinha (Sankofa Museum of the Memory and History of Rocinha). Its objective is to contribute to public understanding of the processes that have transformed the social and urban landscape of Rocinha over the course of more than a century. Since 2014, staff members from the IMS and the Museu Sankofa have shared information and compiled knowledge in a kind of research-action laboratory. Drawing from the IMS’s photography archive, the research team went into the field to connect Points of View between the past and the present, producing new photographs and filming interviews with members of the Rocinha community. This site welcomes the participation of Rocinha residents. Via the gallery and the collaborative map, Memória Rocinha incorporates new photographs, videos, and narratives that describe the memories and identities of community members. This is a community that has fought throughout its history against the stigma of violence and social inequality, and it continues to struggle to insert itself in the physical space, political life, and (hi)story of Rio de Janeiro.

A living map

More than geographic precision, this project focuses on images and stories of Rocinha’s origins, transformations, and community identity. The map was produced with high-precision georeferencing technology, allowing the research team to recreate historical photographs of Rocinha and visually document the transformation of the favela’s landscape. However, this project is primarily based in personal and collective memories, which are by nature fluid and diverse. Thus, the pursuit of verification overlaps with the exercise of imagination. And this is how the map comes to life, portraying Rocinha as the vibrant community that it is. Residents express in their own words the constant threat of removal, the precarious state of urban infrastructure, and the scarcity of public services. But their words also contain images of Michele’s house, the Seu Pedro bus stop, and Seu Carlinhos’s rooftop terrace. Above all, the residents describe the unique way each finds his or her place in the complex, fascinating community of Rocinha.


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